Logo for high-end outdoor lighting fixture company
MZ Ad Campaign

This five-part print campaign supported Miller Zell’s four core competencies: Strategy, Design, Program Management and Store Implementation. Each service bucket was represented by an organic process.
Southeastern Cycling
Identity and web design for Southeastern Cycling, a repository for news, events, and dates for all things cycling in and around Atlanta.
The ATL Airport Chamber
After completing a competitive analysis for the Airport Area Chamber of Commerce, it was quickly decided they needed a full rebrand. So, Ethic started with a new name; the ATL Airport Chamber was born. Next on the agenda was a new logo, replacing their existing brand that literally looked like a plane was falling from the sky. Soon after came a new tagline, mission & vision statements, and copy to be placed into their new website and marketing material, also being developed by the Ethic.
Travel Marketing
Ethic’s experience is deeply steeped in travel and destination marketing, and one DMO we’ve worked with extensively over the years is the ATL Airport District Convention & Visitors Bureau. The District is a neighbor to Ethic’s own home base and, by definition, a fellow champion of the Southside.
Ethic was approached by Global Excel, a full-service company in Canada providing cost containment, claims management, and medical assistance. Their goal for us was to develop a brand from the ground up for their maiden launch into the U.S. market, including market analysis, naming, logo design, brand development, and core messaging.
Our principal challenge was to reach both the Insurer and the Insured, and we did so with copy, colors, marketing materials, and imagery that are straightforward, easy to understand, and personable. What began as an assortment of ideas and values ultimately converged into a striking brand that delivers compelling results and, like the company itself, helps to move healthcare forward.
We undertook extensive research and dozens of name-storming sessions to land on Opus MedStrategies, a name that calls forth a vast body of work, meticulously produced.
The name Opus speaks to the breadth of services they offer, a full score of cost containment solutions and data-driven insights that support informed decision making for the payer, provider, and patient. Far from being a one-note company, Opus’ oeuvre demonstrates their ability to transform and simplify access to healthcare.
The Opus story is transformative and comprehensive, so we focused on finding unexpected ways to evoke transparency, access, evolution, and integrity.
Member One Business Services
In this quick 30-second TV spot for Member One Federal Credit Union Business Services, a kindly ice cream vendor and his pup make it big in Member One’s animated community.
Member One Mobile Banking
Member One Federal Credit Union’s mobile banking is second to none. This bold, can’t-miss-it billboard campaign was designed to quickly catch drivers’ attention during rush hour, when exceptional convenience carries an especially salient appeal.

Print Campaign
Print campaign for the launch of GMAC Bank.

Member One Mortgages
In this whimsical animated TV spot for Member One Federal Credit Union’s Home Mortgages, a family signs for the home of their dreams.
Long-term client ValleyStar Credit Union tasked Ethic with creating an online-only banking credit union brand for millennials with a single directive: banking anytime, anywhere, and from any device. We came up with a name that would appeal to a younger, more savvy audience living life on their own terms and on their own time—Roam, banking without limits. A sense of organic, boundless possibility flowed throughout the new brand and creative.
The website, designed for on-the-go mobile users, combines fresh colors, imagery, topographical elements, whimsical icons, and smart copy to create a brand for young adventure seekers. The tagline—“Enjoy the journey”—also pretty neatly sums up our own experience in branding this revolutionary new service.
See more of our Roam branding »
Gateway Arena
Ethic created an identity and branding for a new event center, Gateway Arena @ College Park, in College Park, Georgia. This is a sister brand to the Georgia International Convention Center.