Logo for a high-end outdoor lighting fixture company.
MoreMZ Ad Campaign
A five-part print campaign to support Miller Zell’s four core competencies.
MoreSoutheastern Cycling
Identity and web design for Southeastern Cycling, a repository for news, events, and dates for all things cycling in and around Atlanta.
MoreThe ATL Airport Chamber
A new name and brand for the Airport Area Chamber of Commerce.
MoreTravel Marketing
Follow Ethic on our journey to rebrand and redefine a Southside Atlanta tourist destination.
Naming and identity for full-service cost containment, claims management, and medical assistance.
MoreMember One Business Services
A thirty-second TV spot featuring Member One’s Business Services.
MoreMember One Mobile Banking
A bold campaign for mobile banking.
MorePrint Campaign
Print campaign for the launch of GMAC Bank.
MoreMember One Mortgages
An animated TV spot for Member One Federal Credit Union’s Home Mortgages.
MoreGateway Arena
Branding and marketing for a new event center in the City of College Park, Georgia, beginning with the logo.