Animated spot that describes the journey of a radar wave…
Ascentra 10 & Done TV Spot
TV Spot for Ascentra’s 10 & Done mortgage program.
MoreSwitch TV Spot
Continuing the “Paperscape” theme and stop animation advertising into Quarter three advertising, “Break Free” is the latest TV spot developed by Ethic.
TV Spot featuring a great rate home equity line of credit
More10 Year Mortgage TV Spot
Animated 30 second TV spot for Winnebago Community Credit Union’s 10 year fixed mortgage loan.
More"Real Stories" TV Spot – Caitlin
Real stories from members singing the gospel of their favorite financial institution.
MoreValleyStar Animation
New Name. Same great credit union. Say hello to ValleyStar.
MoreHELOC TV Advertising
Development of a 30 second animated TV advertising spot for Ascentra’s HELOC loan. Ethic created a full print and digital marketing campaign for the launch.