ATL Airport District Website Design
While the old website had once been adequate for a young organization, by 2020, it begged for an overhaul. The look hadn’t kept up as the District’s tone became more modern and offbeat, and the evolving sitemap had gone from slightly overgrown to badly rootbound over the years. Ethic saw an opportunity to give the client more than an aesthetic update. We took a stern look at the site’s many distinct responsibilities and complex content collections, devising an experience that feels breezy to the user while expertly guiding them toward featured information specific to their role and needs.

Gotta start
Itineraries are a natural fit for a destination website, but in the case of the ATL Airport District, a generic here-are-the-tourist-traps approach wouldn’t do. With a target audience of travel-savvy culture-seekers, we needed a firsthand source for real insider information. Our itineraries are composed by authentic Southside locals, then punched up to maximize fun and engagement.
Launch Live Site

You take it from here
Our pre-arranged itineraries are just the beginning. Each itinerary can be added to a user’s interactive “trip” whole cloth, or piece by piece—and so can any other attraction, restaurant, hotel, and business listing on the site, creating a fully individualized travel schedule.
The District is not the airport
One of the this client’s ongoing challenges is name recognition (and confusion) among its key audiences. It’s neither Atlanta nor the ATL Airport—it’s the district in between, comprised of multiple cities. Ethic’s custom illustrations help orient the public.

But with Ethic, nothing ever serves just one purpose. How wasteful would that be? This map is a multitasking branding element, helping to build recognition of the District’s style, convey an understanding of the area’s cheerful, casual vibe, and unite its component cities in visual cohesion. How does it fit in with the rest of their branding?
We are so glad you asked »

One site, multiple audiences
While the majority of the ATL Airport District’s website is geared toward providing comprehensive information to prospective tourists preparing to visit the Atlanta area, the District also does a booming meetings and events business, thanks to its remarkable facilities for corporate, sporting, and fraternal events. Because this audience is looking for a different style of content delivered in a slightly more professional tone, Ethic developed a sub-brand to accommodate this important segment. Then, as part of the overhaul of, we included a microsite that coordinates with our “ALT-lanta” meetings campaign—a steady hit at trade shows.